Exportable Tool Adoption Figures
Monica Dancel
Greg Marshall
Jane Sims
Share data with faculty groups for training, and administrators/faculty for decision making.
Michael Morales
No problem, Monica. Thank you for your team's efforts!
Best regards,
Monica Dancel
Hi Michael,
Thanks for the clarification and the image. I just added the image that you emailed me to your original suggestion.
Appreciate your help!
Michael Morales
Hi Monica,
Below is a spreadsheet where I copied the numbers from the Tool Adoption page and formatted it. I realize that the level of depth the figures go in to make it difficult to format however, it would make it much easier if it were possible to at least export the figures into a CSV.
Essentially, what you would be able to do from reporting but using the breakdown of the Tool Adoption screen. I hope this makes sense. Please let me know if any further clarification is needed.
Thank you,